

We are witnessing a new generation of sensitive, awake, remarkably reflective, and intelligent young people who often grapple with the pressures of traditional, outdated school systems and the growing intensity of life.

This struggle manifests in learning and concentration difficulties, anxiety, lack of self-confidence, restlessness, mood swings, social withdrawal, bullying, apathy, as well as exhaustion and health issues such as headaches, Long Covid, and frequent colds.

We need this young generation.

They bring new impulses and represent approaches that aim to restore equilibrium in a world that is completely out of balance. However, entrenched structures hinder essential knowledge, resulting in desperate, overwhelmed, stressed parents and young people who believe it’s their fault. The opposite is true. They fall through the filters of old-school systems that cannot change quickly enough and adapt to the intense, modern era.

These wise and alert teenagers require individual support and courage to experience for themselves what strengthens, weakens, builds, and truly brings joy. We will thank them in 10 years. Through their awakening, they bring profound conscious education into the world.

“Everyone sees what you appear to be. Only a few feel who you are.”

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